
How to use ezymatch

Use ezymatch to streamline and Shortlist candidates profile much faster than ever before.

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1. Click on jobs

Once you've completed posting your job details, navigate to the job listing screen by clicking on the 'Jobs' menu under 'EzyMatch' in the left-hand panel. On this screen, you'll notice your posted job. To initiate the candidate matching process, click the 'Start Matching' button located on the right-hand side of your job details.


2. Upload candidate resume

While on the 'Jobs' screen, click the 'Browse for Files' button to upload candidate resumes in PDF format. which was obtained or gathered from external sources. screen

3. View candidates

Upon uploading the candidate's resume, you'll find it displayed on this page along with a matching percentage indicating how closely the candidate's profile aligns with the job description. screen

4. Filter and shortlist

You can utilize the filters on the left-hand side to narrow down your search, add or modify job details, and observe the real-time impact of these changes on the candidate matching percentage. To shortlist a candidate, click the green 'Shortlist' icon located next to their score. This will enable you to proceed with further consideration of the candidate.


5. Shortlisted candidate

Once a candidate has been shortlisted, they will be listed in the 'Shortlisted Candidates' screen. To initiate the assessment (Test) process, click the 'Create Test' button located in the top-right corner. This will allow you to create both multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and coding tests tailored to the specific job requirements.


6. Creating test

Upon the appearance of the 'Create Test' popup, proceed to fill in the required details, including the template name, test duration, and relevant skills.


7. Adding question set

To expand the test's question pool, you can add additional question sets from the library by clicking the 'Add New Question Set' button, Then From the dropdown menu, choose the desired question category and specify the number of questions to include from each set.


8. Send test/ Take interview

Once the test has been created, two buttons will become enabled under each candidate: 'Send Test' and 'Take Interview. 1.The 'Send Test' button allows you to send a video-proctored Test to the candidate via ezyTest platform. 2.The 'Take Interview' button enables the recruiter to conduct a technical screening via a video call using the ezyRecruit platform.


9. Send test

Upon clicking the 'Send Test' button, a pop-up window will appear allowing you to select the desired test format, either coding or MCQ, from the test template you previously created. then you can fill the other details to finalize and click on send button to send the test.


10. Take interview

upon clicking the Take interview button, a pop-up window will appear where you can enter the candidate's name and email address. Once these details are filled in, click the 'Start' button to initiate the EzyRecruit technical screening process via video call.


11. Resend/Retake

After sending the test to the candidate, the candidate will move from the 'Shortlisted' tab to the 'In Progress' tab. In this tab, you'll find options to resend the test or retake interview under each candidate.


12. Whatsapp connect

Within the 'In Progress' tab, you can notice a WhatsApp icon under each candidate . Clicking this icon will open a chat window, allowing you to exchange messages with the candidate directly through WhatsApp from the EzyHire platform.


13. View report

Upon completion of the test, the candidate's will move from 'In Progress' to 'Tested tab.' In the 'Tested' tab, you can view and download a comprehensive report detailing the candidate's performance in the test. This report provides insights into the candidate's strengths and areas for improvement.
